maanantai 20. tammikuuta 2014

a Speech.

A speech to be given at my brothers graduation party:

Dear friends and family. Welcome here, to our home to celebrate my big brothers big day. It's the day of his graduation from vocational school. Again.
 Me and my brother have always been a little lazy workers at school and studying hasn't been the first thing in our minds. Friends, hobbies, and other freetime has. School has become as the second or the third thing to think about. But under a little pressure we can do the same or maybe even better than everyone else. Though, sometimes it might be at the last minute and sometimes the project might take a few hours out of that night's sleep. Point is, that the work mostly gets done anyways. 
 A few years ago, about this time, my big brother graduated from the Porvoo International College. After getting his studies done and serving his time at the military, my brother started to look for a job. He had a couple of workplaces for about half a year, but the days were long and tiring and there wasn't always enough work for him. I asked him if he was going to apply for any kind of school to continue his studies at fall. He told me that he already had a job and that he didn't want to go back to school yet. He also told me that he didn't actually know where he would apply even if he did want to go back to school.
 Then, suddenly, in the end of that summer my brother announced that he has figured out what he thinks he wants to do. He applied for school to become a laborant and got in. I was super proud of him. It was really funny, he was really excited about studying chemistry and mathematics and oddly, so was I, Even though I hated those subjects myself, for I had always been the artistic and creative one, who had played music since elementary school and done some projects at a local theater. You know, math or chemistry just weren't my things. But despite our disagreements I was just genuinely happy for him for founding the right school for and himself and being excited for his studies, since it had been a long time he really had enjoyed school that much.
 And two years later, here we are. Celebrating my brother for now having the skills and knowledge for another profession. And though the first one didn't seem to be the one for him, he has now found something to really enjoy about and I, his little sister, couldn't be more proud. Even though we have our differences and we might not like the same subjects at school, I hope that someday I could become more like him and find that thing that could make me as happy and interested about my profession and future studies as he is. I hope that a few years forward I would be at the same point, celebrating my day.
 But today, let us celebrate and have a toast for this great laborant ! Congratulations.

Commentary: I really don't know how this came into my mind, but it was nice to write. (: Truth be told, my brother actually just started his studies last fall. But his enthusiasm for his studies has inspired me and I hope that I get to give this speech on his big day when it does arrive. (:

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